Small Groups

Weekly Small Group Questions

Registration is currently closed

Reach out to Jake or Joy with questions.

Be in prayer for those going through Rooted right now!

Small Groups at Grace

A Small Group at Grace is a community of people who are committed to growing in love for God, one another, and the world. As you live out the rhythms of following Jesus together in community, we hope you will not only see your own walk with Jesus transformed, but that you will make some lasting friendships as well! 

Here at Grace church, Rooted is your first step to a small group. We ask people to go through Rooted as their first Small Group experience so that they have an orientation to our Small Group culture here at Grace. Our hope and desire is that our church would become a place where every group is marked by the rhythms of Jesus, and the only way to learn about culture is to experience it firsthand! You can think about Rooted as the on-ramp to Grace Small Groups- it helps you get up to speed with the culture of our church! For more info on Rooted, click the button below.

We’re excited to be kicking off small groups this fall.  A small group is a group of 8 - 14 people who practice life together. They meet every week or every other week to walk out the five rhythms of Jesus in the context of meaningful community.  Rooted is your first step to a small group.  Rooted is a 10-week journey grounded in the idea that discipleship to Jesus needs to be more than just informational—it needs to be communal and experiential. Rooted is designed to get you to do more than talk about your faith. It's a training ground to help you live out your faith in community with others.

Weekly Bible Studies

In addition to our Small Group communities, Grace offers several weekly bible studies. Senior’s studies, men’s studies, women’s studies, among others.

A note from our Discipleship Pastor:

“Welcome! Jesus said that the way the world would know that we are his disciples is by our “love for one another”. and it’s impossible for us to give and receive that kind of life transforming love at a distance. Small Groups are a place for us to experience and practice the type of “life together” that Jesus said would change the world.” - Pastor Jake

If you have any questions, I’d love to help you find a Small Group. You can reach me at


What is a small group?

A small group is simply a group of 8 - 16 people that you do life together with, read the scriptures with, pray and worship with, serve alongside, and work together and share the Gospel with. Most groups meet every week or every other week for a couple hours to share food, stories, life, study Scripture, and pray. 

How do I sign up for a small group?

Sign up for a Small Group right here! Rooted is your first step to a small group at Grace church. 

What will I experience in a small group?

If you join a Grace Small Group we hope you will experience the kind of life transforming relationships that help you become an authentic and credible follower of Jesus. We hope you find “your people”, who will stand by your side through life’s ups and downs. We hope you get to practice following Jesus in real ways, guided by Scripture and prayer. And we hope you feel like you are part of something bigger, seeing your group as a means by which God will further his mission of making disciples of all nations.

Why do I need to go through Rooted first?

The reason we ask people to go through Rooted as their first Small Group experience is so that they have an orientation to healthy Small Group culture here at Grace. In the same way an on-ramp gets you up to speed on a highway, we hope Rooted gets you “up to speed” to the culture of Grace Small Groups!

When do I sign up?

We have annual church rhythms of Small Group launches in January and September, but you can get connected to a Bible study at any time for Women of the Word and Men’s Studies. Most groups take the summer off or at least meet less often. When the next sign up time comes around, if you decide to step away for a season or try another group, that’s totally okay.

I want to get connected but I can’t do Rooted yet.

Great! There are multiple paths to getting connected outside of Rooted at Grace. 

If you’ve already gone through Rooted, you can join a friends group or ask Pastor Jake to help get you connected.

If you haven’t gone through Rooted yet, please check out our Events Page. We put on regular events such as Bible studies, Men’s Breakfasts, Mill Town Mama’s playdates, First Fridays in Downtown Camas, and Young Adult Gatherings to serve as a bridge between Sundays Gatherings and our Small Groups. You don’t have to wait to get connected to our Church community!

Acts 2:42 - 47

42 They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. 43 Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. 44 All the believers were together and had everything in common. 45 They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. 46 Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, 47 praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

Interested in leading a group?

1 Timothy 3:1 says "Here is a trustworthy saying: If anyone sets their heart on being an overseer, they desire a noble task."

Being a leader is a noble task, and is a big responsibility. Thank you for your interest! Please be thoughtful and prayerful as you fill out your application and as you discern leading at Grace!