Upcoming Events
What’s Happening at Grace Church

Mill Town Mamas
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms? We have a place for you!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.

Family Promise
We are excited to announce that our rotation for Family Promise is March 30th - April 6th. We are looking for volunteers to help bring meals, host families and stay overnight at the church. We have plenty of spots available for you to serve. If you’re in helping, visit the missions alcove right after service or sign up here. If you have questions, please email Bayley.

First Friday
Join us downtown on April 4th to explore and celebrate the amazing history of Camas! Come with friends and family and enjoy the fun that First Friday has to offer. Come find us in one of the local businesses downtown from 5pm-8pm. You can find more information on First Friday on the Downtown Camas Website.

Mill Town Mamas
Join us for a fun Easter craft at Mill Town Mamas on April 16th. We will be offering a fun and cute Easter craft in addition to our regular scheduled playdate. We hope to see you there!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.

Good Friday Service
Good Friday marks the day the Jesus died for us on the cross, and we honor that through a powerful service where we worship and remember His sacrifice. There is a more somber tone to this service due to the focus on Jesus’ time on the cross. Easter is only two days after this where we’ll unleash in celebration as we remember Jesus’ resurrection. We will not have GKW kids services for any ages for the Good Friday service, but kids are welcome if you believe they’ll do well.
We’ll worship, take communion, and remember Jesus’ story.

Easter Eve Service
Easter is coming and this is going to be an exciting celebration of the resurrection of Jesus!
Look forward to powerful worship, the story of Jesus death and resurrection, live sand art, and a photo booth for family photos.
Easter Eve Service
April 19th @ 6 PM
This is a family service that elementary through high school students will get to enjoy with their parents. Nursery through Preschool classes will be available for the Saturday night service.

Easter Morning Services
Easter is coming and this is going to be an exciting celebration of the resurrection of Jesus!
Look forward to powerful worship, the story of Jesus death and resurrection, live sand art, and a photo booth for family photos.
Easter Morning Services
April 20th
8 AM
9:30 AM
11:15 AM
This is a family service that elementary through high school students will get to enjoy with their parents. Nursery through Preschool classes will be available except for the 8am service on the 20th.

VBS - True North
At True North, kids discover that they can trust Jesus in a wild world! True North is filled with awesome Bible-learning experiences kids see, hear, and touch!
Registration Opens May 4th. Check back at that time to register on the website, or at the welcome center in the lobby.

Youth Camp
Save the date for Youth Camp this summer!
Youth Camp is for Youth grades 7th - 12th (in Fall 2025).
More information will be coming soon, and registration opens May 4th.

Kids Camp
Save the date for Kids Camp this summer!
Kids Camp is for kids 4th - 6th grade (in Fall 2025).
More information will be coming soon, and registration opens May 4th.

Baptism is available to anyone who has made a personal decision to follow Jesus, regardless of age or background. We believe that baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. We also believe that baptism is just the beginning of a lifelong journey of faith and discipleship. Talking with a pastor and sign up before hand is required.

Mill Town Mamas
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms? We have a place for you!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.

First Friday
Join us in Downtown Camas in March for a prehistoric experience! Come with friends and family and enjoy the fun that “Jurassic Camas” First Friday has to offer. Come find us in one the the local businesses downtown from 5pm-8pm. You can find more information on First Friday on the Downtown Camas Website.

Men's Retreat
Come join with other guys for a weekend away at our Grace Church Men’s Retreat! We’ll be headed out to Camp Jonah near Trout Lake on March 7-9th. Cost is $125 and scholarships are available upon request.

Serve Our City
Serve Our City is coming up March 1st and we can't wait to serve with you! Twice a year we get together as a whole congregation and serve different community partners. We have lots of different options for you, your small group, and your family to serve together.

Mill Town Mamas
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms? We have a place for you!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.

Family Movie Night
Join us at Grace for Family Movie Night. Feel free to bring blankets and pillows to make yourselves comfortable while we enjoy some movie snacks and time together.

Family Promise
We are excited to announce that our rotation for Family Promise is February 16th - 23rd. We are looking for volunteers to help bring meals, host families and stay overnight at the church. We have plenty of spots available for you to serve in. If you or someone you know would be interested in helping, visit the missions alcove right after service or sign up here. If you have questions, please email Bayley.

Mill Town Mamas
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms? We have a place for you!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.

Worship Night
We’re excited for you to join us for a night of powerful praise to our Creator and King! Powerful worship is core value at Grace Church, and this night is being prayed about and planned for. The Spirit of God is alive, and we intend to seek God’s presence together!
Sign up now If you need childcare for that night.

Men's Breakfast
Men of Grace: on Saturday, February 1st, we will be gathering to share stories, have a few laughs, learn about God and eat really good food. Join us from 7:30-9am here at the church in the South Auditorium. Email Pastor Jake with any questions.

Mill Town Mamas
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms? We have a place for you!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.

Missions Interest Meeting
If you have a serving or hosting heart for people around the world, join us January 26th at 12:45pm for an interest meeting for this years missional opportunities. Following this meeting, if you are interested in being a part of the missions team, we ask that you fill out an official application.

Women of the Word
Women of the Word winter launch starts JANUARY 22 + 23
Wednesday Evenings | 7:00 - 8:30pm
Thursday Mornings | 9:30 - 11:30am
Childcare is available but limited.
Sign up Today!

Mill Town Mamas
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms? We have a place for you!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.

We’re excited to restart small groups this winter. A small group is a group of 8 - 14 people who practice life together. They meet every week or every other week to walk out the five rhythms of Jesus in the context of meaningful community. Rooted is your first step to a small group.
Rooted is a 10-week journey grounded in the idea that discipleship to Jesus needs to be more than just informational—it needs to be communal and experiential. Rooted is designed to get you to do more than talk about your faith. It's a training ground to help you live out your faith in community with others
See events details for signup.

Meet the Pastors
The leadership at Grace Church is excited to meet you. If you're new to the church or been here a while and haven't met some of the pastors, we'd love for you to stop by so we can connect with you. Please come join us after both services on January 5th so that we can spend a few minutes together having light snacks and casual conversation.

First Friday
Join us in January in Downtown Camas for “Clue” if you love a good mystery! Come with friends and family and enjoy the fun that First Friday has to offer. You can find us on the corner of 4th and Dallas from 5pm-8pm. You can find more information on First Friday on the Downtown Camas Website.

Christmas Eve Service
We have three Chritmas Eve Services on Christmas Eve. Our Christmas Eve services will feature worship, Christmas music, and special elements throughout. Join us in celebrating Jesus’ birth. It’s a family service that is very interactive. We encourage you to bring your friends and relatives along!
Grace Kids World (GKW) Nursery and Preschool are available for all four services.

Christmas Eve Eve Service
We have one service on the Monday the 23rd at 7PM for those that cannot make it Christmas Eve. :)
Our Christmas Eve services will feature worship, Christmas music, and special elements throughout. Join us in celebrating Jesus’ birth. It’s a family service that is very interactive. We encourage you to bring your friends and relatives along!
Grace Kids World (GKW) Nursery and Preschool are available for all four services.

Service of Remembrance
While the holidays are often a joyful season, they can also be difficult reminders of loved ones lost. Join us on a special night to slow down, honor the process of grieving, and remember that we are not alone.

Hometown Holidays - First Friday
Join us in December in Downtown Camas for our Hometown Holidays celebration! This event will include photos with Santa, crafts & activities, entertainment, free hot cocoa, holiday shopping, art shows, and more! The tree will be lit for the evening festivities and snow will fall! You can find us on the corner of 4th and Dallas from 5pm-8pm. You can find more information on the Downtown Camas Website.

Mill Town Mamas
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms? We have a place for you!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.

Giving Tree
This Christmas we are partnering with the Camas Resource Center to bless families in need in our community. Starting November 10th, you can grab a Giving Tree tag from the Missions Center and purchase a gift for a family in need. Gifts are between $25-$50 and are due back at Grace Church bySunday December 1st.
Other ways you can participate is by coming to our wrapping party on December 10th at 6pm. Enjoy pizza and wrap all of the presents we will be delivering to families in our community. We are excited to celebrate the love of Jesus this season with you and share that love with the people around us! If you are planning to attend the wrapping party, please sign up so we can feed you!

Christmas Decor Day
It’s that time of the year again! The weather is getting colder, peppermint is in the air, and Christmas music is on KLOVE. We’re going to decorate the church for the coming season! Let’s make the church feel warm and inviting!
All you need to do is show up after second service and we’ll have a job for you! We’ll have Christmas music on, pizza, cookies, and drinks.
Sign up so we can plan for enough food!

Baptisms are coming up on November 24th! Baptism is available to anyone who has made a personal decision to follow Jesus, regardless of age or background. We believe that baptism is an outward expression of an inward change. We also believe that baptism is just the beginning of a lifelong journey of faith and discipleship. Talking with a pastor and sign up before hand is required.

GKW Nerf Fun & Games Night
What it’s all about
This GKW connection event is meant to connect kids, parents and leaders.
A parents attendance is *required
Parent participation is HIGHLY encouraged!

Mill Town Mamas
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms? We have a place for you!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.

Family Promise
We are excited to announce that our rotation for Family Promise is November 17th - 24th. We are looking for volunteers to help bring meals, host families and stay overnight at the church. We have plenty of spots available for you to serve in. If you or someone you know would be interested in helping, visit the missions alcove right after service or sign up here. If you have questions, please email Bayley.

Mill Town Mamas
Are you a mom looking to connect with other moms? We have a place for you!
Mill Town Mamas' mission continues to be: Creating a place of encouragement, restoration, and connection, as we glorify God through the journey of motherhood.
We meet various Wednesday mornings from 10-11:30am for play dates at Grace Church's indoor gym. Join our facebook group to learn more. Click here for our calendar with upcoming dates and locations.