GKW exists to partner with families to help kids find and follow Jesus.
We create safe, fun, relational environments where the Bible, worship, and dynamic activities create space for Biblical Discipleship. We want your kids to feel valued, known and loved, first by God and then by their GKW Leaders!
What To Expect
2 years - 5 years old
A typical morning in GKW Preschool includes free play, Preschool worship, a Christ-Centered Bible Story Video and engaging activities that reinforce the basic point of the Bible Lesson. A simple snack is provided. You can indicate that your child has dietary restrictions and bring a custom snack for them.
Our Preschool curriculum is Orange – First Look. It is a Christ-Centered, Bible-Based Curriculum specifically designed to capture the wonder of the Preschool Phase.
Elementary School:
Kindergarten - 5th Grade
A typical morning in GKW Elementary includes relational, start-up time where kids get to know each other and their leaders better in grade specific small groups. Then the kids move to the GKW Large group environment where they engage in live Worship led by one of our GKW Worship Teams. Next, we dive into our Bible story for the morning. After that, we go back to our grade level small groups to participate in activities that reiterate the points of the Bible Story.
Our Elementary curriculum is HyFi - 12 Biblical Truths to help kids understand their Identity in Christ.
Birth - 24 months
Whether your baby needs to be lovingly held or your toddler needs to wiggle, crawl, walk or play, our Nursery staff are eager to serve in our engaging Nursery environment. With age-appropriate toys, music and books your child will be cared for while you participate in our worship service. You will be given a pager so you can be reached if your child should need you.
You will check your child in to GKW and receive a security tag for you that matches your child. You will need to show this tag when you pick your child up at the end of the service. If needed, the code on your security tag is displayed in the main service to alert you that your child needs assistance.
All of our GKW Leaders are background-checked and committed to becoming authentic, credible followers of Jesus. Many have years of experience serving in children’s ministry.
The GKW (Grace Kids World) Facebook Page is a fantastic resource for parents who want to make the most of the time with their children while they are home. Follow the page here for fun activity ideas, meal-time conversation starters, and updates from the GKW team!
If we should need to evacuate the building for any reason, children will be evacuated by their GKW Leaders and Church Leader to the garage at the Northeast corner of the North Parking Lot. They will be supervised there until parents arrive to pick up their child. Parents will need to show the Tag they received at Check-In with their child’s security code to pick their child up. Parents SHOULD NOT go to the classrooms to pick up their child, they should go directly to the evacuation area.
If a child needs medical attention, the response will depend on the severity of the injury or condition.
1. In a life threatening situation, 911 will be called and the parents will be informed immediately (parent will be “paged” by displaying their child’s security number on the screens in the Main Auditorium.)
2. In a less emergent situation, the church Medical Response team will be called to assist and the parents will be informed immediately.
The health and safety of all the children and volunteers of Grace Church is of the utmost importance to us. For the health and well being of your child, other children and our caretakers/ leaders,we accept only WELL children into our Nursery/ Classrooms.
Your child is considered sick if he or she has any of the following conditions:
• Fever (within 24 hours / whether or not it is controlled with medication)
• Sore throat, persistent cough, congestion or colored runny nose
• Nausea, vomiting or diarrhea (within 48 hours)
• Lice, any rash or skin condition unless deemed non-contagious by a physician
• Symptoms of conjunctivitis (pink eye), such as colored discharge from the eye
PLEASE do not place your child in the Nursery or any GKW Classes if they are showing signs of illness! If your child exhibits these symptoms while in our care, we will ask you to remove them from class.
If you have any questions or concerns about this policy, please contact Kid’s Pastor, Marni Osterhage at marnio@gracefoursquare.org.
The Jesus Storybook Bibleby Sally Lloyd Jones
The Beginners Gospel Story Bible by Jared Kennedy
The Complete Illustrated Children’s Bible by Harvest Kids
The Biggest Story Bible Storybook, by Kevin Deyoung
Explorer Bible for Kids by Holman
Adventure Bible for Early Readers (NIrV) by Zonderkids
Adventure Bible by Zonderkids
How Great Is our God 100, Indescribable Devotions about God & Science by Louie Giglio
Know God, A 28 Day Devotional Experience for Kids by the rethink Group, Orange
Make Waves, A Kid’s Devotional on Changing the World by Kellen Moore
Case for Faith for Kids by Lee Strobel
Case for Christ for Kids by Lee Strobel
Jesus Calling for Kids by Sarah Young
Fearless Faith, 90 Devotions for Teens by Our Daily Bread
The Jesse Box, Bible Stories Come Alive by www.thejessebox.com
Don’t Miss It, Parent Every Week Like it Counts by Reggie Joiner & Kristen Ivy
Shepherding a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
Instructing a Child’s Heart by Tedd Tripp
Parenting with Love & Logic by Cline & Fay
The Power of a Praying Parent by Stormie Omartian
Discipline that Connects with your Child’s Heart by Jim & Lynne Jackson
Tough Stuff Parenting, Helping Your Kids Navigate Faith & Culture by Basden & Johnson
Mama Bear Apologetics, Guide to Sexuality by Ferrer & Davidson
Every Parent’s Guide to Navigating Our Digital World by Powell, Bamford and Griffin
Seen, Healing Despair and Anxiety in Kids and Teens Through the Power of Connection by Hutcherson
Missional Motherhood by Furman
Parenting Beyond Your Capacity by Reggie Joiner & Carey Nieuwhof
Teaching Your Children Healthy Sexuality, A Biblical Approach by Jim Burns
Parent Cue - parentcue.org - Website, Podcasts, Resources
Connectedfamilies.org – Blog, Podcasts & Class
Parenting Your…(Birth – 12 th Grader) Phases Material by Ivy & Joiner
For more info, Marni Osterhage, Grace Church Kid’s Pastor, marnio@gracefoursquare.org
The nursery is available during Sunday services for infants through 24 months. This is located in the early childhood wing.
The cry room is a family space to take your squirmy, chatty, squeaky, or fussy child where you can still see and hear the service live. Moms and dads are both welcome in this space with their children. This is located at the back of the Main Auditorium, accessible from the lobby.
The nursing mom's room is a space designed specifically for nursing mothers only. This is a private space for mothers to feed their babies. This is located in the early childhood wing near the nursery behind the red door.
Changing tables are available in the nursery, the nursing mom's room, and the ladies bathroom.
Meet Your GKW Team!
For more info on our Kid’s Ministry contact Marni to get connected.
Marni Osterhange Kid’s Pastor
Whitney Martinez Kid’s Coordinator