Small Group Questions
To spark discussion and turn your eyes to Jesus
Discussion Questions
Can you recall a time when you changed your mind about something recently? What led to that change?
Book (Read: John 1:18)
Pastor Dave said, "This passage reveals the difference between religion and relationship." What does that distinction mean in light of this passage?
Can you think of a way that Jesus has been revealed to you lately? What happened?
Aside from the Bible, what influences your perception of Jesus the most? (Social media, news, family, friends, etc.) How does that influence portray Jesus and in what ways does that portrayal differ from how He is presented in Scripture?
Pastor Dave also said, "Whatever I lift up, I become." Reflect on how your character has changed over the past few years. Are you more patient or angrier? More generous or greedy? More fearful or more loving? (etc). How have you changed in the past 5 years and how does this align with your understanding of who God is?
Took / Prayer
Spend 10-15 minutes in prayer, but instead of bringing requests, focus solely on praising God for who He is and what He has done.
Encourage your group to take an open time of praying out loud together! The hope is for you to practice revealing who God is to one another through your prayers. Set a timer, practice an open prayer style, and encourage people to step out in faith!