Middle Eastern Missionaries

We are grateful to support missionaries in the Middle East. The country our missionary partners are serving in is a closed country, which means that it is illegal for them to evangelize in any capacity. God is moving in mighty ways in this region through our partners doing refugee care and discipling women and men in the underground church. Be in deep prayer for these missionaries that they would see spiritual strongholds broken over this region and that the people would have encounters with the Living God and have personal relationship with Him.

We have amazing leaders in our church who have created these wonderful ministries to serve the people of Grace and to grow our community. If you are interested in getting involved, click below!

Grace Outreach Ministries

We have the opportunity at Grace Church to partner with amazing people and organizations here locally. Click the button below to learn more and find serve opportunities.

Local Missional Partners

We have the opportunity as Grace Church to partner with amazing people and organizations. Click the button below to learn about our missional partners all over the world!

Global Missional Partners

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