Join us on Sunday Mornings
9AM & 11AM
717 SE Everett Road
Camas, WA 98607
Sunday mornings
9AM & 11AM
Online service - 9AM
Grace Church
717 SE Everett Road, Camas, WA 98607
(360) 834-6336
Tuesday - Thursday
9AM - 3PM
When should I arrive?
We have two services starting promptly at 9:00am and 11:00am. Check-in for Grace Kids World starts 15 minutes before service. You are welcome to come a few minutes early to grab some tea/coffee or chat with our Welcome Team!
When does service end?
Service will end no later than 10:30AM and 12:30PM.
What should I wear?
Dress up or dress casual - it is up to you! You will see people in dresses, ties, jeans, t-shirts, shorts, come as you are!
Where should I park?
We have two parking lots on our property. The south parking lot is located in the front of the building. To get to the north parking lot, just follow the road around to the north side of our building.
Other questions?
If you have any other questions before you join us, give us a call at (360) 834-6336. We would love to talk with you and want you to feel at home at Grace Church!
What should I expect?
You can expect to be welcomed and loved!
There are two main entrances on the south and north sides of the building (just off the parking lots). Each entrance will have a greeter to say hello and answer any questions you might have. At 9:00am and 11:00am, we will begin service in the Auditorium with a welcome followed by music (worship). Worship is a time to sing together and focus on Jesus. After 3-4 songs, we will have a time of greeting. Then one of our teaching pastors will give a 30-45 minute talk (sermon) to encourage, challenge, and help us grow in our walk with God. We end our services by worshiping together again and receiving our tithes and offerings (financial donations). If you are visiting with us, we ask that you not feel obligated to give. This is a time for those who call Grace Church their “home church” to give. Then we are dismissed to receive prayer, pick up our kids from class, hang out in the lobby, or head home!
What should my kids expect?
If you have children, you can check them in to their classes beginning 15 minutes before service. This can be done at our check-in stations located near the north entrance of the building. A Grace Kids World volunteer will direct you to your child’s classroom. We have a special worship experience and classes for kids from preschool through 5th grade. Elementary kids start in their individual grade classroom and are then walked to the South Auditorium for their worship experience. After a Bible teaching, they return to their classrooms for further discussion and activities. Preschoolers have a similar experience. They move to “Ollie’s Clubhouse” within our secure Early Ed Children’s Ministry wing, for worship and a Bible Story and then return to classes for activities that bring the Bible Story to life.
Is there a different service for middle school or high school students?
We offer Youth Hub on Sunday morning for our middle school students at our 9am service. They will be dismissed from main service after worship. We will also have a space for High Schoolers on Sunday! From 10:30 AM to 11 AM in Room 8 we will be having a high school hang out. For more details visit the youth page here.
High School & Middle School Services are Wednesdays from 7:00-8:45pm in the South Auditorium.
What is Foursquare?
Our name reflects the unchanging ministry of Jesus Christ and our mission to declare it worldwide. The four squares represent the four scriptural roles of Jesus as Savior, Baptizer with the Holy Spirit, Healer and Soon-Coming King.

Interested in what’s going on throughout the month?
Fill out our connect card and we will add you to our newsletter to stay up to date with what’s happening in the church!