Generation Grace (G2) Team
Student Leaders - An opportunity to grow in relationship with Jesus and leadership, while learning to set and achieve personal goals that will set you up for success in your future as an adult & Jesus follower.
Expectations- students in their sophomore year of high school and older are invited to apply the week after camp when applications are open. The application process includes a written application as well as an interview with the student leader coordinator.
Adult Leaders - Lead our youth as they grow in their faith through small group leading, mentorship, and having fun together.
General Volunteering - Assist in things like hospitality, set up and take down for Wednesday nights, or any other fun things happening at G2.
If you have questions about volunteering in general, fill out the questions/comments section on our serve form above and one of our team members will be in contact with you.
* For the safety of our community, we require background checks for everyone that is interested in serving.*